Since September 2024 Beat Bazaar has been delivering the The GoBe Leaders Programme at Sharon Youth Centre, taking place event Saturday afternoon. The intergenerational training programme entails weekly creative workshops for young people including music tuition in the Zither instrument and Hungarian folk dancing, covering different style of folk dance from all around the Carpathian basin. Following the music and the dancing, participants also engage in scouting , group building, youth work activities on a weekly basis. Participants have also embarked on an Arts Award Bronze accreditation.
Whilst the young people are busy in the workshops the project has also involved their parents in various activities and training sessions. There has been workshops for adults in freelancing and self employment including budgeting and money management, safeguarding, running a food stall. Scout leaders and volunteers have also received additional training in facilitation and youth work best practice. Parents have also been able to get involved in adult folk dance workshops.
As a result of the Gobe Leaders programme, we have established the UK’s one and only Zither Ensemble, which has been given the name : Tulip Zither band and Folk Arts. Thanks to the ongoing instrument tuition sessions, young people have been able to become part of a band and they have also been invited to perform at various events. Currently there are 34 participants in the project.
During Spring the participants and their parents are busy preparing for our annual festival Góbéfest, set to take place in June. Volunteer Steward training is in the pipeline. Some parents will be running their own stalls and activities or working as freelancers at the festival.
Overall the project has helped to build a strong, intergenerational team and community. Both young people and their parents have gained new transferrable skills as well as leadership skills, which will support their employability and future prospects. The project has resulted in a real impact on the participants and the community, and it was made possible by the Community Fund.
Check out some of the photos from the project.