We are honoured that our festival Góbéfest has received the EFFE Label 2019-2020, Europe’s quality stamp for remarkable arts festivals, for it's engagement in the field of the arts, community involvement and international openness.
Festivals are powerful tools in creating people-to-people contact. The facts and figures of festivals' reach are impressive in terms of audience participation, social cohesion and sustainability.Arts festivals are motors for artistic creation, production and mobility of work and people, within and beyond Europe
Festivals function in a complex creative environment, stimulating synergy and building bridges on many levels -from the artistic to the political.The artistic, organisational and financial model of a festival, its cross-disciplinary and cross-sectorial set-up, allows direct investment into the artistic process that enriches Europe’s citizens.The general atmosphere in Europe is challenging. Many countries can benefit from our constructive messages and the connections they create: Eye-to-Eye. We as arts festivals have a strong place in the positive vision of the European Union.The EFFE festivals community is a trusted alliance of festival makers. With more than 2000 festivals registered on the new interactive website FestivalFinder.eu, we demonstrate every day our commitment to bringing the arts to citizens. With more than1450festivals carrying Europe’s quality label stamp, we together celebrate our engagement in community involvement and international openness.