Track 1 Without Borders
Written by CAP, Bedos Mavanubu, C-Zar, Steve Antal, Fox.
Vocals by Fox, Bedos Mavanubu, C-Zar, Steve Antal / Backing vocals by Viktoria Dekany.
Produced by CAP (Missing Link / Híányzó Láncszem) Scratching by Owiz.
Mixing and Mastering by CAP (Missing Link / Híányzó Láncszem).
Track 2 Face Your Fears
Written by Ra-Man, Fox, Natasha Maksimova, Bedos Mavanubu, C-Zar.
Vocals by Fox, Natasha Maksimova, Bedos Mavanubu, C-Zar Backing Vocals by Viktoria Dekany.
Produced by Ra-Man ( Rahman Kebble lyemifokhae ).
Mixing and Mastering by Rahman Kebble lyemifokhae.
Track 3 Another Dawn
Written by CAP, Tumpz, Bedos Mavanubu, Fox.
Vocals by Tumpz, Bedos Mavanubu, Fox.
Produced by CAP.
Mixing and Mastering by Cap (Missing Link / Híányzó Láncszem).
Track 4 Cooking Up A Skran / Old Man
Written by The Clone, Fox, Natasha Maksimova, Bedos Mavanubu.
Vocals by Fox, Natasha Maksimova, Bedos Mavanubu.
Produced by The Clone.
Mixing and Mastering by The Clone and Lorien Edwards.
Recorded by Lorien Edwards at Gorse Hill Studios, Manchester / /
The songs have been written and recorded by a group of artists, who were involved in a multicultural song writing collaboration, which was part of the Euroskankin’ Project. Euroskankin’ aims to give young people and the community a deeper understanding of cultural diversity. The project has been funded with support from the European commission. This production reflects the views only of the authors and the commission cannot be held responsible for any use, which may be made of the information contained therein. The copywright of the songs belongs to the respective song writers and artists. Unauthorised reproduction; copy; hiring; lending; public performance and broadcasting is prohibited. For promotional use only. Not for sale.