GoBe Backstage 2022

Festival & Event Crew Preparatory Training Session

Friday 10th of June at Z Arts in Manchester from 10AM -2PM

Our work experience programme GoBe Backstage, funded by the Arts Council England will provide a valuable opportunity to find out about the different roles involved in event & festival management, from sound engineering to crewing, artist liaison to stage management, and more. The training will provide an introduction to working backstage at our event,  and the various roles and opportunities available within the production team of a festival.  

The training will be delivered by Beat Bazaar , the organisation behind Góbéfest and G7 Entertainment Services, our partner event /theatre crewing company.  

On the day we will cover some of the following themes:

  • Working Backstage Safely 
  • Working as a Technical Event Crew member 
  • Health & Safety at work
  • The role of a steward 
  • Artist Liaison 
  • Pathways and opportunities into the event production & festival circuit.  

The training will take place in a professional theatre space at  Z Arts, 335 Stretford Road,  Hulme, Manchester, M155ZA It will be delivered in an informal way.  

Places for this bespoke training session are limited.    

Participants will be expected to be available between Wednesday 22nd of June and Monday 27th of June.  (not necessarily on all these dates)  Our festival Góbéfest will take place between 24-26th of June in Cathedral Gardens and Exchange Square.  This opportunity will lead to further pathways and paid opportunities in event/ festival work.  

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