On the 23rd -26th June, we organised the 7th edition of Góbéfest, our annual festival of music, dance and culture from the Carpathian Basin, Eastern & Central Europe. Once again over 15000 people came along to enjoy the vibrant stage programme and unique creative activities for the whole family.
This year we welcomed our biggest band to date, the Children's Philharmonia from Szentegyháza in Transylvania, a 140 piece children's choir and orchestra. The Manchester Youth String Orchestra and Kalinka Balalaika orchestra also performed from One education| Manchester Music Hubs. Our very own Manchester Zither Orchestra performed at Góbéfest for the first time and were featured on BBC Radio News, for being the one and only Zither Orchestra in the UK.
Góbéfest 2023 also showcased 7 dance groups from all around the United Kingdom. The live music offering was oustanding, showcasing award winning acts such as Koszika alongside Yek Duy and more. Check out the photos taken by Donald Judge.