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June 03, 2013
Even more variety from Ravenstonedale Festival 2013 This year Ravenstonedale Festival celebrates its 5th birthday, still occupying the same site ...


March 15, 2013
Euroskankin’ is a Youth In Action Youth Initiative Project taking place at Gorse Hill Studios . The project entails a ...

Taya performs live on the Beat Bazaar Show

February 18, 2013
18 year old singer songwriter from Longsight Manchester - TAYA- popped into the show tonight and sent the sound  levels ...

The first live guest of 2013 : Introducing Joe Keegan

January 28, 2013
The first live guest of 2013 on the Beat Bazaar Show was the multi talented 15 years old Joseph Keegan, winner ...

Shanice Popped into radio tonight

October 08, 2012
The 17 year old singer songwriter Shanice blessed me with her presence tonight on the Beat Bazaar show.  She played ...

The Beat Bazaar Show On Unity Radio - Now At The New Time Of 11PM -1AM Every Sunday

September 23, 2012
1.Ebere JingleFollowing a recent timetable change, the Beat Bazaar Show will now be broadcast from 11Pm -1AM instead of the ...

Prose - live on air

September 18, 2012
Prose popped in to Unity Radio, with bis band members Lee & David for a live interview and performance on ...
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