Erasmus + Opportunity in Hungary: The Youthwork Must Go On

Project start date: August 16, 2021

"The Youthwork Must Go On " is a long term training course on exploring and inventing digital youth work methods and tools in order to support the youth participation and activism of culturally diverse young people based on the impact of COVID19.

Themes of the long-term training course:

Raising digital competences of youth workers to activate participation of youth online;

Inventing youth work methods and tools in order to empower online participation and activism of culturally diverse youth such as minorities, refugees, migrants and Rome young people;

To create and practice safe digital participation tools for young people based on the impact of COVID19.

The overall aim of the long term training course is to improve the digital competences of  youth workers, youth leaders being able to support culturally disadvantaged young people regarding to the topics of youth participation, analysis of the level of youth participation in their communities, tools and fields of online youth participation, tackling the role of Internet literacy for online youth participation and online activism based on the impact of COVID19.

The methodology  of the long term training course:

The project will be based on non-formal educational methodology. A variety of non-formal learning methods and techniques will be applied in order to address the different needs of participants and desired outcomes.

It will include the following elements: e-learning prior the training course, getting-to-know each other and building common group; understanding the main concepts and issues (youth participation, the level of youth participation in the communities of participants online and offline, media literacy), equipping with the tools of youth participation online (civic activism tools, e-governance tools), planning local initiatives and the youth exchange projects, evaluation of the long term training course.

Participating organizations: Together We Are The Change- Poland, Vele Corsare- Italy, Sicfeszt-Romania, Iuventa-Serbia, Avatud Ühiskond MTÜ-Estonia, HYP-Greece, Inovaciju Biuras-Lithuania, Beat Bazaar- UK, KIE-Hungary

16-24. August 2021. Kiskunfélegyháza, Hungary



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