On Tuesday 19th of January Beat Bazaar launched a new music project for young people aged 11-25, which will be taking place in youth & community centres around Manchester. The Future Sounds Project is a hands-on music and creative programme, providing high quality music workshops, professional recording & creative media activities for young people.
Participants work towards creating their own music, stories, songs and poems using individual experiences as inspiration. They will gain new skills, experiences and pathways to further opportunities. The project will culminate in a youth music event taking place in the summer; giving the young artists the opportunity to showcase their work to the local community.
Beat Bazaar is working in partnership with several youth organisations from different areas in Trafford & Manchester to deliver the project, such as The Whythenshawe Lifestyle Centre and Sale More Community Learning Centre. Further workshops are also being planned for Partington and Moss Side.
The project is funded by the Youth Aspirations Fund (Tony Lloyd Greater Manchester Police & Crime Commissioner)
In Old Trafford, the Future Sounds songwriting sessions, led by Sylvia Tella & Lorien Edwards have already begun.
In other areas of Manchester, the project is due to start in March.
The Future Sounds Final Showcase will bring together young people from different parts of Manchester to perform and celebrate their achievements.
The showcase will take place in The Dancehouse Theatre on Oxford Road in Manchester in the summer of 2016
Future Sounds artists will be offered the opportunity to visit Unity Radio 92.8FM and take part in a Unity Creatives media workshop
Participants will be signposted to further quality music making opportunities, such as getting involved with the Manchester Camerata Youth Forum
For more information about Future Sounds contact us.